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Zauo in Shibuya: You Can Enjoy Fishing and Amazing Fish Dishes!

Published: Aug 10, 2024
Updated: Aug 19, 2024

Shibuya, known as the center of Japanese youth culture, is currently undergoing large-scale redevelopment. The high-rise buildings around the station are attracting attention with observatories overlooking Shibuya, popular apparel shops, event spaces, and musical theaters.

While continuing to transform, long-established live music venues and art museums remain, maintaining its aspect as a town of music and art. The Shibuya Scramble Crossing, known as "the world's busiest intersection," the statue of Hachiko famous for the Hachiko story, and Shibuya 109, which attracts 35,000 visitors on holidays, are always crowded with tourists.

In Shibuya, there is a unique restaurant called "Zauo" where you can easily experience fishing. In this article, we will introduce the appeal of "Zauo," which is popular with both adults and children, along with reviews.

If you are interested in explore Tokyo's trendy culture, check the article below! I summarize how and where you can enjoy them as much as possible.

Shibuya Guide: Explore Tokyo’s Trendy Culture
This is an extensive guide to thoroughly experience the Shibuya neighborhood, the center of Tokyo’s trends. To be ready for your Shibuya sightseeing tour, read through this article about the must-see landmarks, cuisine, maps, and nightlife locations.

If you are interested in Shibuya nightlife, check the article below! I summarized how and where you can enjoy them as much as possible.

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Features of Zauo

You can enjoy fishing inside the restaurant


You can fish for the swimming fish in the tank inside the restaurant using a rented fishing rod. The large tank is impressive, and just watching it is sure to excite children. It's popular, especially among families, because you can easily enjoy fishing, which is not often possible in daily life, without any preparation.

Moreover, if you catch a sea bream, it's 3,245 yen instead of the usual 4,180 yen, and if you catch a flounder, it's 3,905 yen instead of the usual 4,950 yen, making it more reasonable to eat what you catch. When you catch a fish, not only does it raise your spirits, but it's also recommended because it's immediately prepared in the kitchen, allowing you to eat it fresh.

The grand menu is also extensive, including sashimi platters, sushi, tempura, appetizers, kids' menus, and desserts that you can eat without fishing. Note that fishing is not mandatory.

You can choose the cooking method

Cooking method
source:Official website

The fish you catch can be prepared in your preferred cooking style.

Sea Bream
Free: Sashimi, Salt-grilled, Simmered, Deep-fried, Butter-grilled, Fried
Paid: Nigiri sushi, Ochazuke set, Rice porridge, Kamameshi (flavored rice in individual pots), Miso soup, Kabuto-yaki (grilled fish head), Ara-daki (simmered fish head and bones)

Free: Sashimi, Simmered, Deep-fried, Butter-grilled, Fried
Paid: Nigiri sushi, Ochazuke set, Rice porridge, Kamameshi, Miso soup, Bone crackers (deep-fried bones)

Horse Mackerel
Free: Sashimi, Tataki, Salt-grilled, Deep-fried, Fried
Paid: Nigiri sushi, Bone crackers

You can choose a cooking method suitable for each fish, which also provides a learning opportunity about cooking methods. It's also notable that you don't have to use one cooking method for the entire fish; you can choose different methods for each half. My recommendation is sashimi, which not only has an impressive luxurious appearance but also tastes exquisite when freshly caught.

You can experience making sushi

There's a sushi-making experience class exclusively for children. The content includes a lecture about fish in the store, horse mackerel fishing experience, and observation of filleting a horse mackerel. Afterward, children change into provided uniforms and make sushi under the guidance of a teacher. The teachers are kind, so there's no need to worry.

The completed set includes 8 pieces of sushi (4 horse mackerel, tuna, salmon, shrimp, and ikura battleship), chawanmushi, and miso soup. Children also receive a sushi chef certification T-shirt, headband, and certificate, along with a commemorative photo, making it an unforgettable experience.

- Reservations by phone are accepted until the day before, and by email until 3 days before
- The fee is 4,980 yen
- Starts at 11:30 on weekends and holidays
- Duration is 75 minutes

Fishing experience at Zauo


Rent a fishing rod and tell them which fish you want to catch

First, rent a fishing rod for a reasonable 110 yen (including tax). Before fishing, be sure to tell the staff which fish you want to catch before starting. Seeing the fish swimming freely in the large tank excites both adults and children. Even if it's your first time fishing, don't worry. Experienced staff will kindly teach you the tricks of fishing, so even children were catching lots of fish.

It was my first time fishing too, and although I couldn't catch anything at first, thanks to their guidance, I managed to catch the fish I wanted. Just be careful that you have to buy all the fish you catch.

There are two types of fishing

The area is divided into two: the regular "fishing area" and the "hooking fishing area" where you use sturdy, easily piercing cut hooks. You can choose whichever you prefer.

Bait for catching fish includes krill, peeled shrimp, and kibinago, but if you're having trouble catching anything, ask for some pickled radish. However, in the "fishing area," when it's crowded, the amount of bait increases, leading to more satiated fish, which can result in poor responses and long periods without catches.

On the other hand, in the "hooking fishing area," you just need to hook the fish, so it's easy even for beginners. When I visited, I noticed many children using this area and happily pulling up fish. It's also recommended for those who are short on time and want to catch fish quickly.

Fish you can catch

The fish you can catch are as follows:
- Sea Bream
- Flounder
- Horse Mackerel
- Spiny Lobster
- Kuruma Prawn
- Turban Shell
- Abalone

These are all high-quality fish and shellfish that you might not catch even if you went fishing in the sea for fun. Moreover, they've pre-selected delicious fish to put in the tank, so you'll be satisfied when you eat them. However, the types of fish may vary depending on the store and season, so it's recommended to check in advance if you have a specific fish you want to catch.

The fast-moving horse mackerel was difficult to target, but sea bream and flounder move more slowly, so they should be easier to catch. Also, being able to enjoy your meal while observing the fish swimming up close is another enjoyment.

Who Zauo is recommended for

People who want to enjoy their meal while having fun

Zauo is perfect for those who want to enjoy their meal while having fun. The large tank with many swimming fish gives you a feeling of visiting an aquarium. Also, you can rent a fishing rod at the store for just 110 yen, allowing you to easily experience fishing in the middle of the city.

It can be frustrating when you can't catch anything for a while, but the excitement when you finally catch your desired fish after spending time is unforgettable.

It's also a plus that the staff immediately prepares the fish you caught according to your request. You can spend a wonderful time enjoying a different kind of experience at this theme park-like restaurant.

People who want to eat fresh seafood

Once you catch a fish swimming energetically in the water, the kitchen starts preparing it immediately. The fresh flesh has a slightly chewy texture and sweetness, allowing you to enjoy the original taste of the ingredient. If the fish is particularly lively, it might still be moving when served as sashimi. Even foreigners who think sashimi smells fishy will likely become fans once they taste freshly caught fish.

Not only the fish you catch but also the dishes provided on the grand menu are characterized by their freshness. When I ate the assorted sashimi and sushi, I could especially feel the firm texture and rich taste. It's recommended for those who want to easily eat fresh fish even in the middle of the city.


The concept of fishing is not just for adults but also for children, making it recommended for families. When dining out, adults often want to eat slowly, but children get bored and fussy after finishing their meal. However, at Zauo, you can experience fishing while waiting for your meal, and the fish you catch is immediately prepared and served, allowing both adults and children to enjoy their meal.

Even if children finish their meal first, they will happily continue watching the fish in the tank without getting bored. Surely, after the meal, children will say, "I want to come back to Zauo and have fun again!" Also, by cooking even the bones and scraps that are often discarded, you can consume the entire fish without waste, which can help increase knowledge about food and contribute to food education.

Access to Zauo

6 minutes walk from JR Shibuya Station Hachiko Exit, Subway Shibuya Station, Tokyu Toyoko Line, and Keio Inokashira Line Shibuya Station

Basic information about Zauo

- Address: B1, 1-19-3 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku
- Closed: New Year's holidays
- Phone number: 03-6427-0207
- Business hours: Weekdays 17:00-23:00, Weekends and holidays 11:30-15:00, 16:00-23:00
- Official website

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sena kanda

I'm Sena, a director of Magical Trip. I love the experiences in coffee shops and Japanese Izakaya with my friends. I often go and enjoy them in Tokyo around twice a week, so I will introduce them!